Welcome to the CTRL Z Newsletter. This week’s Record of the Week was recorded over two decades ago on analog equipment, the Classic of the Week has one of the catchiest vocal loops I know of and we have One More with a warm bass line and chilled feel.
In the newsletter this week:
Record of the Week from Gerome Sportelli
Classic of the Week from Cowboy Rhythmbox
One More from 9th House
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Check out this month’s Happi Daze show for an hour of classic Piano House with Andy Spencer. It’s just dropped on YouTube:
As always, you can hear the radio show on Wednesdays at 5pm GMT/BST on Underground Kollektiv, Thursdays 5pm GMT/BST on Data Transmission, Saturdays at 11pm GMT/BST on Radio Roadhouse and new episodes hit the podcast every Friday morning.
Thanks for reading, if you’ve enjoyed the newsletter, and want to make sure you see future issues, make sure you move this message into your primary inbox.
✉️ renyard@ctrlz.club
Got a tip for an event, news or tune you think other Acid fans should know about? Any DJs you’d like to hear a guest mix form on the radio show? Maybe your own projects cover any of the above?
Drop me an email at renyard@ctrlz.club