Finally Released After 30 Years?

Tunes from Posthuman, Green Velvet & Forgemasters

Finally Released After 30 Years?

Tunes from Posthuman, Green Velvet & Forgemasters

Welcome to the CTRL Z Newsletter, companion to the radio show and event series of the same name.

In the newsletter this week:

  • Record of the Week from Posthuman

  • Classic of the Week from Green Velvet

  • One More from Forgemasters

Record of the Week

Posthuman - The Fixer

Hot on the heals of the Chevron release from a couple of weeks ago comes this new 12” from Balkan Vinyl boss, Posthuman. Two great tunes here, but the B side, “The Fixer“ is the initial standout tune for me. I’m sure both will be getting plenty of air time on the radio show though.

Classic of the Week

Green Velvet - La La Land

When this was released in 2001, there was confusion over whether it was a a pro or anti ecstasy tune, but Green Velvet himself has confirmed that it is an anti drug tune and the only one I can think of off the top of my head in the House and dance music scene.

One More

Forgemasters - Skies Over Sheffield

Originally produced in 1990, this one sat unreleased for three decades before finally being pressed to vinyl on the Seven Hills label in 2020. It certainly has the sound of the time, while still feeling fresh for a 2020s dance floor.

Radio Show


As always, you can hear the radio show on Wednesdays at 5pm GMT/BST on Underground Kollektiv, Thursdays 5pm GMT/BST on Data Transmission, Saturdays at 11pm GMT/BST on Radio Roadhouse and new episodes hit the podcast every Friday morning.

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Got a tip for an event, news or tune you think other Acid fans should know about? Any DJs you’d like to hear a guest mix form on the radio show? Maybe your own projects cover any of the above?

Drop me an email at